Monday, November 12, 2012

Our next project is an adaptation of the classic play by Maurice Maeterlinck.

The blue bird follows the magical journey of Mytyl and Tyltyl as they search for the illusive bird that represents happiness. Just like our idea of happiness, the bird is always just out of reach. The journey begins as Tyltyl gets a magical hat with a mystical stone near the forehead and when the stone is turned he sees the true nature of things. This allows him to speak to the spirits of many things including, fire, water, light, father time, his dog and cat. These characters appear in human form to represent how the children can understand them.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The 48 hour film contest.

The 48 hour film contest is a challenge in which we must create a film from concept to finished product within 48 hours. Team Mythos plans to compete in this contest in Seoul on October 19th to 21st.
Crysanthus, the mystical city in "The Alomus Particle"